
Master Service Agreement (MSA) Print

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Customers PT Atharva Telematika Persada must read and agree to the Master Service Agreement of PT Atharva Telematika Persada before placing an order.

If you do not agree to the Master Service Agreement, you may not proceed with your order. This Master Service Agreement includes an agreement between PT Atharva Telematika Persada, a Cloud Service Provider company based in South Jakarta, Indonesia, and Customers who rent services from PT Atharva Telematika Persada.

To avoid possible disputes in the future, by reading and understanding this Master Service Agreement, PT Atharva Telematika Persada and the Customer agree to implement all terms and conditions of this Agreement in connection with the provisions contained on this page. I hereby agree to be informed thereof. Here is a further explanation below:

Service Level Agreement

Customers who hire services from PT Atharva Telematika Persada agree that they are fully responsible for the services used. The Customer is responsible for any loss suffered by the Customer either directly or indirectly or as a result of the loss of actual revenue/profits expected by the Customer.

1. Claims of the parties for service disruption of PT Atharva Telematika Persada.

2. PT Atharva Telematika Persada is not responsible, and will not compensate for loss, any damage, loss of data, or damage to your computer system due to the use of PT Atharva Telematika Persada's customer service or application, including but not limited to: customer ISP connection failure, hardware failure, customer error, accidental negligence of PT Atharva Telematika Persada staff, etc.).

3. PT Atharva Telematika Persada has the right to provide restitution in the form of invoice fee discounts in the following month in accordance with the following conditions:

Cloud VM Pro: SLA 99.5%, maximum downtime 43 minutes 28 seconds per month.

Cloud VM Lite: SLA 98%, maximum downtime 14 hours 29 minutes 23 seconds per month.

IPv6 Cloud VM Lite: SLA 98%, maximum downtime 14 hours 29 minutes 23 seconds per month.

4. Customers are required to attach uptime in any form indicating that the service down exceeds the maximum downtime within a month of the contract to apply for restitution to finance.

Acceptable Use Policy

Customers understand the usage restrictions on rented services, PT Atharva Telematika Persada has the right to disable the services contained in the customer's account if it is dangerous / suspicious / violates the applicable Acceptable Use Policy.

Cloud VM Service
1. Customers are prohibited from carrying out phishing, scam, fraud or similar activities.

2. Customers are prohibited from using the service for tunnels, proxies or the like. (unless there is a special contract).

3. Customers are prohibited from running game servers.

4. Customers are prohibited from running bittorrent applications, trackers, or clients.

5. Customers are prohibited from running cheat applications, cryptocurrency mining, or the like.

6. Customers can use bandwidth for free with usage not dominating.

7. If there is an indication of excessive bandwidth usage, we will suspend and ask for clarification.

BGP Sessions Service
1. Customers are required to have ASN and IPv4 /24 and IPv6 /48.

2. Customers are not allowed to do downstream transit. (1 ASN)

3. Customers are not allowed to use bandwidth excessively.

Sanctions and Decisions 
1. Temporary or permanent suspension of the Customer's account

2. Internet speed restrictions the Customer

3. Alerts by email, directly to Customers, or other media

4. Imposition of fines for violations committed by the Customer.

Network Capacity and Peering
- IIX-APJII up to 10Gbps
- OpenIXP up to 10Gbps
- JKT-IX up to 10Gbps
- ODIX Omadata up to 10Gbps
- BertuahIX up to 10Gbps
- cloudXchange up to 1Gbps
- Metta-IX up to 1Gbps
- SGIX up to 1Gbps
- KCIX up to 1Gbps
- STLIX up to 1Gbps
- International up to 2Gbps
- Bilateral Peering: Meta, Cloudflare, Akamai, Yahoo!, Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, Alibaba Cloud, Netflix, Twitch, Kaopu Cloud, ByteDance, SEA-IX, Abhinawa, EdgeNext, Cato Networks, and Capital Online.

You can see more about our network through the following link:

Looking Glass:

PT Atharva Telematika Persada has implemented dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6.

Refund Policy

We always strive to provide services with the commitments that we have explained at the beginning and always transparency with policies and other things, but if you still want to request a refund because you are disappointed with the service, you have the right to apply for a refund within 30 days from the time the service is registered.

Refunds are only available for:
1. Cloud VM Pro Service

Refunds are not available for:
1. Violation of Master Service Agreement.

2. Cloud VM Lite Service.

3. IPv6 Cloud VM Lite service.

4. Services with renewal, upgrade, and downgrade processes.

5. Miswriting the payment amount when making a payment and/or confirming payment.

6. Overpayments will automatically be credited to your account balance.

If there is an error or failure in our system that causes the Customer's services to be unable to provision, or extended. Then the Customer gets a maximum refund of the service price on the invoice.

Refund method can only be done by adding to your account balance.

Force Majeure

Force Majeure means an unforeseen circumstance that is beyond the control or ability of either party and which may directly or indirectly affect the provision of the Services. Matters or events that can be classified as force majeure include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, acts of sabotage, war, civil unrest at the national level, government actions in the economic and financial fields, and regulations.

In the event of a force majeure event, the party affected by the force majeure must notify the other party in writing of the occurrence of the force majeure event no later than within 7 calendar days from the occurrence of the force majeure. Upon receipt of written notice of the existence of such force majeure event, the parties shall consult immediately to determine the impact of such force majeure event, its resolution, and the continuity of performance of the Service.


If there are differences in interpretation or opinion in the implementation of the services we provide, we will resolve them through consultation to reach an agreement. If the dispute cannot be resolved after discussion, you agree that the parties will appoint a mutually agreed mediator and proceed with dispute resolution through mediation. If mediation efforts do not result in an amicable agreement, you agree to resolve the dispute through the South Jakarta District Court.


By entering into a cooperation agreement between you as a Customer and PT Atharva Telematika Persada, you agree that all terms and conditions contained in this Master Service Agreement are subject to change at any time without written notice. All changes to this Master Service Agreement will be public and can be accessed at any time from this page.

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